Fancher Creek is a school that welcomes the involvement of the community. Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit the school, talk with the teachers before or after class hours, and communicate openly with the administrative team.
In order to maintain a safe and orderly school environment, all visitors must bring their ID to the main office and get a visitor's badge. All visitors without a badge will be directed to the office. This procedure will assist the staff in offering a safe and secure environment for our students. All Volunteers must complete the electronic Volunteer Application on the CUSD website and submit a copy of their driver’s license to the office in order to volunteer at CUSD or be a chaperone on any school trip. Visits should be scheduled in advance with the teacher so that suggestions for appropriate time will make the visit as productive as possible. Teachers are not able to conference with parents during class time.
Electronic Volunteer Application
Go to the Parents section on the CUSD website to complete an Electronic Volunteer Application.