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Fancher Creek Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC)

Six children stand in a row, each wearing traditional clothing from different cultures.

The purpose of the page is for our staff and students to be able to illustrate the amazing things that are happening at Fancher Creek!


What is IDAC?
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of the District.

District IDAC Page



Meeting Dates

  • 1st Quarter Area IDAC – September 27th, 2024 @ 8:00am in the Conference Room
  • 2nd Quarter IDAC - November 8, 2024 @ 5:30 pm Conference
  • 3rd Quarter IDAC -February 13, 2025 @ 5:30 pm in Conference
  • 4th Quarter IDAC - May 9, 2025 @ 8:00 am in Conference


Meeting Minutes

Multicultural Education

Monthly Culture Focus

Our Human Relations Council and our Principal's Advisory group will create monthly culture presentations and activities to build an understanding of the diverse cultures on our campus.

  • September: Hispanic Heritage
  • October: Asian Indian Culture 
  • November: Native American & Indigenous People
  • December: Winter Holiday Celebrations
  • January: Overcoming Challenges
  • February: Black History
  • March: Women's History
  • April: Autism Awareness
  • May: Asian Heritage


Diwali & Rangoli Art

Diwali is one of the most important and popular holidays in India.  Diwali takes place in the fall of each year and is celebrated over 5 days. Considered a festival of light, the Indian people celebrate by lighting clay lamps outside their homes and decorating the floors with intricate designs made of colored powders and sand.  At Fancher Creek, our students experience Diwali by creating Rangoli art during recess.  Students select colored sand to fill in designs drawn on the blacktop.  This has become a beloved Falcon tradition that brings our students together to create beautiful, large-scale artwork.

Everyone Counts!

Our Benchmark English Language Arts textbook provides our students with diverse literature and informational text that reflects the diversity on the Fancher Creek campus.  Our teachers use the information learned from their daily reading lessons to develop activities and experiences to deepen student learning.  From Martin Luther King Jr. and Holidays Around the World to Autism Awareness and Day of the Dead, our students are learning about the important contributions of all people from around the world and across time.


Cultural Dress Up Day

As part of our second-quarter multicultural activity, Fancher Creek hosts a school-wide Cultural Dress Up Day.  Students and staff enjoy showing their culture and heritage through a single clothing item or piece of jewelry to an elaborate celebratory outfit that represents significant events in their families.  Everyone walks a bit taller on Cultural Dress Up Day which shows us that it is a cherished Fancher Creek tradition and an important part of our mission to value each Falcon for the special individuals they are.

Fancher Creek Culture

Value Our Traditions & Celebrate Our Uniqueness

At Fancher Creek, we aim to create an environment that supports every Falcon.  By celebrating everyone's unique talents and gifts, our students learn that they have a purpose and make a positive difference.  Our focus on building relationships, recognizing character strengths, and providing opportunities for students to engage outside of the classroom supports our school-wide culture.  We are a Falcon Family and want our kids to know they are loved, cared for, and matter to us.


Falcons Have Character & Empathy!

At Fancher Creek, we believe in developing the whole child.  We want our students to grow into involved scholars who possess strong character values.  One way we teach students about character and grow their ability to empathize with others is with the Positivity Project. This resource focuses on the 24 character strengths that are within each of us.  Students learn a new character strength each week, participate in teacher-guided discussions, and see the strength in action through multimedia presentations. Positivity Project time has become a favorite part of our students and teachers' school days and we are proud to be a P2 School! Our Falcons are proud to use their character to show that #otherpeoplematter!

Falcons Have FUN!

At Fancher Creek, we work hard and play hard.  We make no apologies for enjoying our students and colleagues, so we build opportunities to celebrate to build a sense of family and inclusion.  Our Student Council sponsors Character Counts! Week and Red Ribbon Week Dress-Up Days and activities each October.  In February, we celebrate Kindness Week and our work to understand that Other People Matter through our Positivity Project lessons. These events are in addition to our monthly and quarterly multicultural activities.  One of our favorite traditions doing the Cha Cha Slide as a Falcon Family at our quarterly rallies.  It is quite a sight to see 900 students and staff stomping, clapping, and sliding to the beat. We love our Falcons and love having fun with them!


Falcons Are Involved!

In Clovis Unified, we believe in being the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit.  By providing activities, teams, clubs, and groups for students to join, we build self-esteem, develop talents, and encourage students to make positive choices in their lives.  By staying involved in school, students are less likely to seek outside opportunities to feel a part of a team and stay focused on academics.


At Fancher Creek, we are proud to recognize and support student participation in school-sponsored clubs, competitive teams,  organizations, and groups.  We acknowledge and celebrate students' hard work and dedication at award ceremonies, school-wide announcements, and rallies.  Our students grow and develop into well-rounded citizens who value teamwork and collaboration because of our district's philosophy.  We are incredibly proud of our Falcons!

Parents & Community

Parents Make A Positive Difference

In our very busy lives, it is difficult to make time to stay involved with all of the connections we have in our lives.  We are blessed at Fancher Creek to have parents who show up to support our special school, our incredible staff, and their precious children.  Our family events are very well-attended and parents are very complimentary of the work our school staff does to prepare students academically, behaviorally, and physically.  Our Falcon staff appreciates the support from parents and relies on strong partnerships to provide the very best for each student.  When staff and parents can come together to support a student, they begin to soar.  This relationship requires trust, open communication, and respect... all things our staff works hard to build.  We could not be as successful without these trusting partnerships that we treasure so much. Thank you Fancher Creek parents for all of your support! 


We LOVE Our Parents!

We are so fortunate to have so many supportive parents at Fancher Creek!  They show up to our student events, ceremonies, competitions, and activities.  Fancher Creek parents not only support our students, but they wrap their arms around EVERY student and show them that they care.  It is this "it takes a village" attitude that creates a warm, encouraging environment for our Falcons to thrive!

We LOVE Our Families!

Like our student events, our Fancher Creek families participate in our quarterly Family Night events where parents attend informative meetings while students participate in an engaging enrichment experience. Twice a year, we open our campus to families to meet and mingle with staff, purchase Fancher Creek spirit wear, and interact with other Falcon families.  It warms the hearts of our staff to watch students playing together, families sitting on benches enjoying snacks, and parents laughing and chatting.  We could not be more grateful for our parents and their tremendous support!